Subway Surfers Wiki

WhisperGuy WhisperGuy 6 February 2014

Future Predictor

Miami's about to end in a few more days now, but what would be next? You'll predict it!

  1. Each user may pick up to 4 cities of their choice.
  2. You cannot pick a city someone else already picked, unless they changed their choice.
  3. As said above, you may change your choices to other cities if you want, but that city will be open for other users to pick, but you cannot choose it back if someone else already chose it.
  4. If the city you predicted happens to be the next game location, you'll win a badge. And you can replace it with another unused city.
  5. You can pick the previous editions too, which means that you think they will be re-released again.
  6. If a city you picked is in the same country as the city in the game, I'll rethink about it.
  7. The deadline for th…

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WhisperGuy WhisperGuy 19 January 2014

Funny! :D

These are some funny little facts you already know, but never thought of, enjoy!

You can get mystery boxes by using coins and get coins by using mystery boxes!

By getting coins you can skip missions, by skipping missions you can get super mystery boxes, by getting super mystery boxes you can get coins!

When you die you can revive, but when you revive you'll still die!

When having a 5x multiplier, which is better, a score booster or a 2x multiplier?

Anyone realized that the inspector is fatter than the width of the trains?

Why can't they just use the Jetpack to fly away from the tracks and the inspector?

Since everything we expect for the next game update always doesn't get fulfilled, so why not we not expect something? They'll have to get fulfill…

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WhisperGuy WhisperGuy 15 January 2014

Subway Surfers Wiki's WAM Ranking!

As of 15 January 2014.

If you want to know more about WAM, go to this page:

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WhisperGuy WhisperGuy 28 November 2013

What's the 'Mega Jackpot Event'? (SOLVED)

I recently saw a notification on my iPad about a 24-hour 'Mega Jackpot Event'. I don't really know what it was because I missed it. If you played Subway Surfers during the event, please post any details you know about it here.

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WhisperGuy WhisperGuy 21 November 2013

Useful Tips You Might Not Know On Getting A Highscore

  • Don't try for a highscore when there's a Weekly Hunt:

Description: Sometimes when you try for a highscore when the Weekly Hunt is still active, you might encounter those tokens while running. Since they are uncommon to appear, you will surely go for it to get hard-earned prizes. But at the same time, getting them is also risky as they appear mostly in places that are hard to reach. You might lose when trying to get them. So, playing without tokens brainwashing you should let you focus on your run.

  • Try not to use hoverboards:

Description: Most people should disagree with this, however, when you crash while using a hoverboard, the obstacles in front of you will disappear until a certain distance. This should be helpful, right? Well, both helpfu…

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