Welcome to The Subway Surfers Quiz!
Here are the basic rules:
- No spamming
- Be polite and don't insult others
- Have fun!
And here are the non-basic rules:
- When there are 2 different answers that are both acceptable, I'll accept the one that is posted first.
- Every 10 questions, there'll be a bonus question. (written BONUS)
- Every question at 10, 30, 50, 70 etc will be a extremely easy question.
- Every question at 20, 40, 60, 80 etc will be a rewardful question, meaning you can get more than 1 point for this question.
NOTE: Want to post your own questions on the quiz? Post them here and yours could be the lucky one!
Anyway, let the quiz begin!
Question 1[]
How many zombie-themed characters are there in Subway Surfers?
Answer: 2
Winner: PokeFan10025
Question 2[]
What is the highest most possible-to-achieve multiplier?
Answer: 70x
Winner: Mavuy
Question 3[]
Which power-up has the shortest usage time? Example: Hoverboard: 30 seconds, Score Booster: Forever (until end of run)
Answer: Power Jumper
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 4[]
Name the most expensive character backwards.
Answer: Kecnirp
Winner: Mavuy
Question 5[]
Which power-up has been deleted from the game?
Answer: Headstart
Winner: Mavuy
Question 6[]
Name an accessory that has been used by 3 characters. (A certain type of shoes, clothes etc.)
Answer: Jake, Spike and Tony have the same jeans
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 7[]
What can you get for completing the final week of the weekly hunt in the London edition?
Answer: Jingles
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 8[]
How much are needed for the final upgrade of the 4 power-ups?
Answer: 60,000
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 9[]
What is the hardest item to get during a run?
Answer: Key
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 10[]
What was the inspector dressed like during the London edition?
Answer: Santa Claus
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 11[]
Which among all of the Weekly Hunt tokens are the largest in real life?
Answer: Tiny Eiffel Tower Statues
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 12[]
How much keys would you had used if you revived 5 times?
Answer: 31
Winner: Nlby001
Question 13[]
How much coins are needed to skip all 3 missions in mission set 50?
Answer: 13,200
Winner: Nlby001
Question 14[]
How many eggs are needed for the Egg Hunt, how long was it and what was the reward?
Answer: 100 eggs, 30 days and the Chicky board
Winner: Nlby100
Question 15[]
How many types of bushes are there? (aka Obstacles)
Answer: 3
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 16[]
Who are the three main playable characters in the game?
Answer: Jake, Tricky and Fresh
Winner: Aussie Winter Girl
Question 17[]
If I have a x10 multiplier, I ran once and got 330 coins, then ran another time and got 561 coins. Then I bought 2 mystery boxes which I received 1 key and 250 coins. Then I ran again and got 260 coins. How many points would I get from each run from the coins I received?
Answer: 6,600 / 11,220 / 5,200
Winner: Nlby001 (2/3) Nolimit3 (1/3)
Question 18[]
Which edition name has the most letters in it?
Answer: Subway Surfers World Tour: New Orleans
Winner: Nolimit3
Question 19[]
The color of the bushes in the Seoul edition changed to _____.
Answer: Yellowish orange / light orange
Winner: Nolimit3
Question 20[]
Fill in the missing letters:
- B E N G A L -- Winner: Nolimit3
- Y U T A N I -- Winner: Nolimit3
- H E A D S T A R T -- Winner: Prince Jimmy
- J A P A N E S E / K E Y C H A I N S -- Winner: Nlby001
- J E T P A C K -- Winner: Prince Jimmy
- W E E K L Y / H U N T -- Winner: Nlby001
Each user may answer up to 2 of the 6 questions only, each question is worth 1 point.
Question 21[]
Which 2 editions has Jamie been released? (As first release and reappearance)
Answer: London and Mumbai
Winner: Nlby001
Question 22[]
From 1 to 70, what is the smallest possible multiplier to not be able to be achieved no matter what you do?
Answer: X37
Winner: Nlby001
Question 23[]
Name 3 characters which have 2 words (or letters, if separated) in their names.
Answer: Prince K, Elf Tricky and Zombie Jack
Winner: Nlby001
Question 24[]
Name a country which was a location for the Subway Surfers World Tour series that start with the letter 'R'.
Answer: Russia
Winner: Nlby001
Question 25[]
What is Yutani's eye color?
Answer: Brown
Winner: Nlby001
Question 26[]
Name 2 characters which wear black spectacles.
Answer: Tony and Jake (Dark Outfit)
Winner: Nolimit3
Question 27[]
What is Eddy's reference?
Answer: Dr Facilier (The Princess and the frog)
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 28[]
Which characters have no outfits? (Excluding limited characters)
Answer: Zoe, Ninja, Yutani and Prince K
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 29[]
Which character wears flip-flops?
Answer: Kim and Brody
Winner: Prince Jimmy and Nolimit3
Question 30[]
What is the color of a key?
Answer: Blue
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 31[]
Name 2 colors that can be found on the Lumberjack board.
Answer: Brown and Blue
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 32[]
What can be found on the Rose hoverboard except for a rose?
Answer: The French flag
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 33[]
Name 3 obstacles which has changed in appearance before.
Answer: Trains, station lanes and walls
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 34[]
Name 3 hoverboards that require tokens to be unlocked.
Answer: Chicky, Jingles and Cherry
Winner: Aussie Winter Girl
Question 35[]
Which hoveboard has a monument/statue/building on it?
Answer: Liberty
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 36[]
Name all 8 power-ups.
Answer: 2X Multiplier, Coin Magnet, Super Sneakers, Jetpack, Score Booster, Mega Headstart, Power Jumper, Headstart and Hoverboard
Winner: Prince Jimmy and I Heart Mina
Question 37[]
What is Tagbot's body color in its Toy Outfit?
Answer: Red
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 38[]
How many keys are needed to revive 10 times in a run?
Answer: 1023 keys
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 39[]
What is the sum of the prices of the most expensive character and hoverboard?
Answer: 1,300,000 coins
Winner: Nlby001
Question 40[]
Name 9 countries that are used as locations in the Subway Surfers frachise. Each user may name a maximum of 3 countries.
Answer -- Winner:
- Russia -- Nolimit3
- Brazil -- Nolimit3
- Japan -- Nolimit3
- Australia -- Aussie Winter Girl
- China -- Aussie Winter Girl
- USA -- Aussie Winter Girl
- South Korea -- Prince Jimmy
- France -- Prince Jimmy
- India -- Prince Jimmy
Question 41[]
How many cities in USA have been used as Subway Surfers locations? (No need to name them)
Answer: 3
Winner: Nlby001
Question 42[]
Which hoverboard is unachievable unless due to a glitch?
Answer: Kitty
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 43[]
What is the number written on the paper on Jay's shirt?
Answer: 171
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 44[]
Can the Super Sneakers attract keys from under?
Answer: Yes
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 45[]
What Weekly Hunt tokens are from Subway Surfers World Tour: Moscow?
Answer: Russian Dolls
Winner: Aussie Winter Girl
Question 46[]
What power-up can only be used by having contact with it on a run?
Answer: Super Sneakers (or any other upgradable power-ups including Power a Jumper)
Winner: Bighoverboard
Question 47[]
Name 4 characters which have reappeared back into the game. (Except Nick)
Answer: Zombie Jack, Elf Tricky, Jamie and Jay
Winner: Nlby001
Question 48[]
Where are the teaser images released?
Answer: SYBO Games' Facebook page
Winner: CAB 103Gumball
Question 49[]
Where is Kiloo's company located in? (Must include city and country)
Answer: Aahrus, Denmark
Winner: Nlby001
Question 50[]
What is the color of a coin? (Created by I Heart Mina)
Answer: Yellow
Winner: Nlby001
Question 51[]
How much money would you spend if you would have buy all characters you saw in the period 2 Jan 2014 - 2 Feb 2014? (Created by Nolimit3)
Answer: 2,355,500
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 52[]
Name 2 power-ups with 1 color each only. (A power-up having light red, red and dark red is counted as 1 color) Both answers must be correct!
Answer: Score Booster and 2X Multiplier
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 53[]
Name the latest new item that came to Subway Surfers so far (as of 13 March).
Answer: Super Mysterizer
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 54[]
Which character had his appearance changed after a new edition has been released?
Answer: Jay
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 55[]
Which 3 limited characters have an outfit each?
Answer: Nick, Mina and Tony
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 56[]
Name two non-limited characters that are green.
Answer: Zoe and Yutani
Winner: Nlby001
Question 57[]
During the Mega Jackpot event, the sum of the raised jackpots of the Mystery Box and Super Mystery Box are?
Answer: 2,400,000
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 58[]
Name the smallest possible even number that cannot be achieved as a multiplier even if you use the 2X Multiplier or the score booster.
Answer: 72
Winner: Nlby001
Question 59[]
Which outfit changes a really cool character to a farmer?
Answer: Tony's Folk Outfit
Winner: Nlby001
Question 60[]
Unscramble the following:
- P R I N C E S T O -- I N S P E C T O R : Nlby001
- M A I N -- M I N A : I <3 Rosa
- N I C O -- C O I N : I <3 Rosa
- L A W S L -- W A L L S : Nlby001
- S T A R I N -- T R A I N S : Nlby001
- H T S A A -- T A S H A : Bighoverboard
- S O U L E -- S E O U L : I <3 Rosa
- I A N Y U T -- Y U T A N I : Bighoverboard
- Y E R C R H -- C H E R R Y : Bighoverboard
Each person may answer up to 3 questions.
Question 61[]
How many coins do you get by logging into Facebook?
Answer: 5000
Winner: Aussie Winter Girl
Question 62[]
What is the sum of the highest amount of keys needed for an outfit and the lowest?
Answer: 40
Winner: Nlby001
Question 63[]
How many characters (excluding limiteds) have no outfits?
Answer: 4
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 64[]
What color do you get when you combine the color of the coin with the color of the key?
Answer: Green
Winner: Nlby001
Question 65[]
How many editions have only 3 words in them?
Answer: Christmas and Halloween
Winner: I <3 Mina
Question 66[]
Most trophies that you can get are made from what?
Answer: gold
Winner: Aussie Winter Girl
Question 67[]
What is the limited character that was released for the edition taken place at a country:
- North of France
- East of Ireland
- South of Iceland
- West of Norway
Answer: Jamie
Winner: Nlby001
Question 68[]
How many letters are there in the longest possible word in the Daily Challenge?
Answer: 6 letters
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 69[]
How many little dragons are needed for the Dragon Board?
Answer: 60
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 70[]
What power-up has 'Coin' in the front and 'Magnet' at the back?
Answer: Coin Magnet (XD)
Winner: Nlby001
Question 71[]
How many coins do you get when you collect 1902 coins with the Double Coin booster? (In-app purchase)
Answer: 3,804
Winner: Nlby001
Question 72[]
How many possible colors can your multiplier have?
Answer: 4
Winner: Nolimit3
Question 73[]
Which character ends with 'e'? (Only earliest answer counts!)
Answer: Jake
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 74[]
What was the Wild Wednesday event at 19th March 2014? (Created by I <3 Mina)
Answer: Mina's reappearance
Winner: Nolinit3
Question 75[]
What was the limited character in the Rio edition? (Created by I <3 Mina)
Answer: Carmen
Winner: Nlby001
Question 76[]
What is the next edition after the re-released edition of New York? (Please answer only after the release of that edition along with a screenshot of its loading screen)
Answer: Mexico City
Winner: Nlby001
Question 77[]
How many outfits does Zoe have? (As of March 28th)
Answer: Only 1 (Original)
Winner: Nolimit3
Question 78[]
Name 2 hoverboards which have pictures of plants/flowers on them.
Answer: Rose and Prickly
Winner: Nlby001
Question 79[]
What is the background color of the Bubblegum board?
Answer: Pink
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 80[]
Write down a maximum of 3 characters (excluding the inspector and his dog) to get 1 point for each correct character.
- Jake : Nlby001
- Fresh : Nlby001
- Tricky : Nlby001
- Mina : I <3 Rosa
- Rosa : I <3 Rosa
- Roberto : I <3 Rosa
- Tony : Prince Jimmy
- Tasha : Prince Jimmy
- Prince K : Prince Jimmy
Total amount of points will be added after all 9 spots have been added.
Question 81[]
Name a hoverboard which:
- is green
- has 7 letters in it
Answer: Prickly
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 82[]
Name 2 characters who always hold on to something while running.
Answer: Fresh and Rosa
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 83[]
What 4 things in the game that can affect your multiplier?
Answer: 2X Multiplier, Score Booster, Missions and Super Mysterizer
Winner: Nlby001
Question 84[]
How many Weekly Hunt challenges have been played before the Mexico City update? e.g. Tokyo Weekly Hunt = 4, NOT 1.
Answer: 40
Winner: Nolimit3
Question 85[]
What holiday was it when the New York edition was re-released?
Answer: St Patricks Day
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 86[]
What was the fourth World tour edition to be released?
Answer: Subway Surfers World Tour: Sydney
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 87[]
What power-up has the letter 'j' in it?
Answer: Power Jumper
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 88[]
Name 3 characters that are related to music.
Answer: Fresh, Spike and Mina
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 89[]
Name 2 hoverboards that are free of charge without using coins or tokens.
Answer: Hoverboard and Starboard
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 90[]
Name a non-playable human character.
Answer: The Inspector
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 91[]
When someone lost, he was asked for 32 keys to revive, so how many keys did he use before?
Answer: 31
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 92[]
What color do you get when you combine the color of a hoverboard (surface only) with the color of a key?
Answer: Purple
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 93[]
Which hoverboard has handles at the sides?
Answer: Lowrider
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 94[]
How many Lotus Blossoms did you need to collect to get 12 Mega Headstarts? (Created by I <3 Rosa)
Answer: 25
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 95[]
After the next edition is released, which 2 characters got an outfit and what the outifts are. (Created by I <3 Rosa)
Answer: Roberto (Fan Outfit) and Zoe (Curly Outfit)
Winner: Nlby001
Question 96[]
What limited character's name starts with 'M'? (Created by I <3 Rosa)
Answer: Mina
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 97[]
What 'Awards' were introduced in the new Rome edition? (Created by I <3 Rosa)
Answer: Spraycan Awards
Winner: Nlby001
Question 98[]
How many runs are needed by your friends to let you receive money?
Answer: 50
Winner: Nlby001
Question 99[]
Which hoverboard has the name of a destination?
Answer: Miami
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 100[]
What is my Game Center username?
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Note: I have not revealed my GC username to anyone on Wikia, but you can find it at certain pages on this wiki. The winner of this challenge gets 5 points! (Subject to change)
Question 101[]
Who is the tallest among the playable characters?
Answer: Frank
Winner: Divine Fox
Question 102[]
Which edition had its destination's first letter (for example: subway surfers world tour: Sydney) the same as it's character's first letter?
Answer: Subway Surfers World Tour: Rome
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 103[]
Name a Weekly Hunt token which is edible. (Except Egg, as it is unconfirmed)
Answer: Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 104[]
Name 2 hoverboards that have a face on them.
Answer: Dragon and Chicky
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 105[]
Which power-up can help you to get another power-up?
Answer: Power Jumper
Winner: Nlby001
Question 106[]
Name 2 ways you can use the get double coins for every coin you pick up while running.
Answer: Picking up Super Mysterizers or buying Double Coin Booster
Winner: Divine Fox
Question 107[]
Where was the World Tour destination that unlocked Mina?
Answer: Seoul
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 108[]
In which World Tour destination can you find taxis while running?
Answer: New York
Winner: Nlby001
Question 109[]
Name a thing in Subway Surfers that has the shape of a pyramid.
Answer: Tiny Eiffel Tower Statues
Winner: Nlby001
Question 110[]
What is Rosa's gender? (You dare get it wrong! XD)
Answer: Female
Winner: Nlby001
Question 111[]
The two companies that created Subway Surfers are situated at the same _______
Answer: country
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 112[]
Spell the latest released power-up backwards.
Answer: reziretsym repus
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 113[]
Name the 6 Spraycan Awards.
- The More, The Merrier
- Super Surfer Agent
- Friends Are Gold
- Trophy Hunter
- Super Trophy Hunter
- Letter Chaser
Winner: Divine Fox
Question 114[]
Which character is the owner of the Heart Outfit?
Answer: Tricky
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 115[]
Which character
- is male
- wears a hat
- has a outfit which is black in color
- is the main character of the game
Answer: Jake
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 116[]
Name the latest hoverboard that was released as of 10 May 2014.
Answer: Moose
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 117[]
What character starts with the same letter as the winner of Eurovision Song Constest 2014? (Created by I <3 Rosa)
Answer: Carmen/Coco
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 118[]
Name the most expensive outfit backwards. (Created by I <3 Rosa)
Answer: gaJ tiftuO
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 119[]
Spell either Roberto or Moose's edition with the second and third letters at the end. (Created by I <3 Rosa)
Answer: Subway Surfers World Tour: Romeub
Winner: Nlby001
Question 120[]
Name 9 hoverboards. (3 per user) (Created by I <3 Rosa)
- Liberty : Prince Jimmy
- Daredevil : Prince Jimmy
- Big Kahuna : Prince Jimmy
- Rose : Nlby001
- Prickly : Nlby001
- Moose : Nlby001
- Superhero : Divine Fox
- Kick-Off : Divine Fox
- Bouncer : Divine Fox
Question 121[]
How much would it cost to buy Olivia, Moose, 2 Mystery Boxes, Scoot, Olivia's Skate Outfit and 2 revives? (Created by I <3 Rosa)
Answer: 181,000 coins and 17 keys
Winner: Divine Fox
Question 122[]
How much does it cost to buy King, Superhero, Lumberjack, 3 Mega Headstarts, 4 Score Boosters, 10 Mystery Boxes, 20 Hoverboards, Prince K's Jag Outfit and Tricky's Heart Outfit? (Created by I <3 Rosa)
Answer: 121,000 coins and 140 keys
Winner: Nlby001
Question 123[]
What cheat would I use to get Harumi? (Created by I <3 Rosa)
Answer: Time Travel
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 124[]
Which power-up has the shape of the letter 'u'?
Answer: Coin Magnet
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 125[]
What is the name of the character that wears a paper crown?
Answer: King
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 126[]
How many keys used for reviving in one run is just enough to buy the Jag Outfit?
Answer: 127 keys
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 127[]
How many Spraycan Awards were there when it was first released?
Answer: 5
Winner: Divine Fox
Question 128[]
When you have reached the Gold Spraycan Award for all awards (without completing them), how many keys would you have already received?
Answer: 48 keys
Winner: Divine Fox
Question 129[]
Which World Tour destination is the most to the right when looking at a world map?
Answer: Sydney
Winner: Divine Fox
Question 130[]
What is the next letter for the word 'Elf Trick_'?
Answer: y
Winner: Nlby001
Question 131[]
This character owns the Tiger Outfit, who is he?
Answer: Frank
Winner: Divine Fox
Question 132[]
How many days do you have to use (minimum) for the Silver Letter Chaser Award?
Answer: 21 days
Winner: Nlby001
Question 133[]
What is Carmen's reference?
Answer: Carmen Miranda
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 134[]
How many coins are needed to get the Jag Outfit when you first started a game?
Answer: 100 keys
Winner: Divine Fox
Question 135[]
Name a type of Spraycan Award most related to hoverboards.
Answer: Board Rider
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 136[]
Name 2 things in the game which their names may be used to fill in he blanks.
R O S _
Answer: Rosa and Rose
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 137[]
Unscramble the word.
Answer: Vancouver
Winner: Divine Fox
Question 138[]
Name 2 outfits that represent animals.
Answer: Jag Outfit and Tiger Outfit
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 139[]
When Alex was released, what board was also released?
Answer: Teddy
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 140[]
Name 6 Spraycan Awards. (Max 2 per user)
- Trophy Hunter -- Prince Jimmy
- Super Trophy Hunter -- Prince Jimmy
- Board Rider -- Divine Fox
- Letter Chaser -- Divine Fox
- Friends Are Gold -- Nlby001
- The More, The Merrier -- Nlby001
Question 141[]
What World Tour edition was released after New York?
Answer: Subway Surfers World Tour: Rio
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 142[]
Which hoverboard shares it's name with an edition? (Created by I <3 Rosa)
Answer: Miami
Winner: Marc.FR
Question 143[]
What is the latest event as of 4th June 2014? (Created by I <3 Rosa)
Answer: Cherry board's reappearance
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 144[]
How many holiday editions are there? (Excluding World Tour editions)
Answer: 2
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 145[]
What is the correct spelling of this Sub Surf based word: Meena? (Created by I <3 Rosa)
Answer: Mina
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 146[]
Between Mina, Rosa, Kim, Brody, Zombie Jack, Olivia and Sun, which of the following is the obvious odd one out? (There are 2, name both)
Answer: Zombie Jack (Only one with misspelled name) and Brody (Only one limited)
Winner: Nlby001
Question 147[]
Name 3 Asian limited characters in the game.
Answer: Sun, Harumi and Mina
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 148[]
Name a character which wears a suit that makes him/her look like an extra-terrestrial being.
Answer: Yutani
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 149[]
Which hoverboard's name is a reference to a famous tiger?
Answer: Bengal
Winner: Divine Fox
Question 150[]
How many coins are needed to revive?
Answer: None (Trick Question!)
Winner: Nlby001
Question 151[]
Which two hoverboards have similar special abilities?
Answer: Hot Rod and Daredevil
Winner: Nlby001
Question 152[]
Name a similarity between coins and keys.
Answer: They can both be purchased at the shop by using real money
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 153[]
Name another similarity as of the previous question.
Answer: They can both be picked up while running
Winner: Nlby001
Question 154[]
And another one... (Last one)
Answer: They can both be used to buy objects in the shop.
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 155[]
Which 2 characters have their real face skin color blocked and cannot be seen?
Answer: Sun and Coco
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 156[]
Without the Score Booster nor the 2X multiplier, what is the highest possible multiplier?
Answer: 40X
Winner: Nlby001
Question 157[]
Which hoverboard has foot straps?
Answer: Freestyler
Winner: Divine Fox
Question 158[]
Name a character whose name has 7 letters.
Answer: Roberto
Winner: Divine Fox
Question 159[]
Name a board with a picture of a moose on it.
Answer: Moose
Winner: Divine Fox
Question 160[]
Count the total at each question. (Max 3 per user)
- Revived 5 times = Used 31 keys -- Nlby001
- Bought 100 mystery boxes = Used 50,000 coins -- I <3 Rosa
- Bought Mina and Alex = Used 190,000 coins -- Nlby001
- Bought 7 hoverboards = Used 2,100 coins -- Nlby001
- Bought all boards with special abilities = Used 1,325,000 coins -- Marc.FR
- Collected 560 coins while running and used it to buy a mystery box, receiving 236 coins = Received 296 coins -- I <3 Rosa
- Collected 2 keys and revived twice = Used 1 keys -- I <3 Rosa
- Collected 1,369 coins, revived thrice and bought 2 hoverboards = Received 769 coins and used 7 keys -- Marc.FR
- Collected 14,529 coins and 2 keys, revived once, bought 10 mystery boxes and received back 2,510 coins and 1 key = Received 12,039 coins and 2 keys -- Marc.FR
Question 161[]
Name 3 World Tour destinations at Europe.
Answer: Paris, London and Paris
Winner: Marc.FR
Question 162[]
Which World Tour destination has the most letters in it? (In 1 word)
Answer: Vancouver
Winner: Nlby001
Question 163[]
Continuing the previous question, what about the one with the least letters in it?
Answer: Rio
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 164[]
Which World Tour destination is closest to Jeongdongjin?
Answer: Seoul
Winner: Divine Fox
Question 165[]
What is the latest edition as of 16/6/2014?
Answer: Subway Surfers World Tour: Tokyo (re-release)
Winner: Divine Fox
Question 166[]
Name a character in Subway Surfers that his/her name is similar to someone famous related to lamps. (Rewritten)
Answer: Edison
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 167[]
How many hoverboards can you get (max) when having 1,000,000 coins and purchasing continuously? (Question changed due to different currencies)
Answer: 3,333
Winner: Nlby001
Question 168[]
Which hoverboard looks like a surfboard?
Answer: Big Kahuna
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 169[]
Name a character who's hometown has won against Chile in the World Cup at 28/6/2014. (Created by I <3 Rosa)
Answer: Carmen
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 170[]
Name a character with hair. (Yes, no tricks)
Answer: Tony
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 171[]
Name one of the items/buildings/characters etc. that was on a New Orleans teaser image. (Created by I <3 Rosa)
Answer: A mask
Winner: Marc.FR
Question 172[]
What Weekly Hunt item is something that would come out from an animal?
Answer: Easter Eggs
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 173[]
What was the first hoverboard released on 2013? (Created by I <3 Rosa)
Answer: Liberty
Winner: Nlby001
Question 174[]
Name 2 hoverboards that are from the Rome edition.
Answer: Kick-Off and Chicky
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 175[]
What type of necklace does Kim wear? (Created by I <3 Rosa)
Answer: A shell necklace
Winner: Marc.FR
Question 176[]
Solve the riddle:
- I'm an animal, yet I'm not alive.
- I sleep with you, yet I don't sleep.
- I come from the largest place in the world.
- So what am I?
Answer: Teddy
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 177[]
What is the name of the first hoverboard you get?
Answer: Hoverboard
Winner: Marc.FR
Question 178[]
Name the most expensive outfit and it's owner as of 1 July 2014.
Answer: Jag Outfit, Prince K
Winner: Marc.FR
Question 179[]
How many words are there in the latest released Spraycan Award? (As of 11 July 2014)
Answer: 4
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 180[]
Name all 9 awards. (Max 3 per user)
- Letter Chaser -- Marc.FR
- The More, The Merrier -- Marc.FR
- Super Surfer Agent -- Marc.FR
- Friends Are Gold -- Nlby001
- Trophy Hunter -- Nlby001
- Super Trophy Hunter -- Nlby001
- I Got The Power -- Divine Fox
- Always On The Top -- Divine Fox
- Board Rider -- Divine Fox
Question 181[]
Name a character who's name is an adjective.
Answer: Fresh
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 182[]
Name a hoverboard who's name could be an adjective.
Answer: Great White
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 183[]
What is blue and collectible while running?
Answer: Keys
Winner: Divine Fox
Question 184[]
In total, how many Footballs have to be collected to get all the hunt prizes in the São Paulo edition? (Created by I <3 Rosa)
Answer: 85
Winner: Divine Fox
Question 185[]
Is there a possible way to make the inspector crash into a non-moving train? (With animation)
Answer: No
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 186[]
In total, how may editions has Subway Surfers released, without the re-released ones? (created by Divine Fox)
Answer: 18
Winner: Nlby001
Question 187[]
Which Spraycan Award has the most amount of words in it?
Answer: I Got The Power, The More The Merrier and Always On The Top
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 188[]
How many World Tour locations are in the country with the most of them?
Answer: 3
Winner: Nlby001
Question 189[]
Who is the limited character for the edition right after Subway Surfers World Tour: Rome?
Answer: Kim
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 190[]
Can you use coins to revive yourself?
Answer: No
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 191[]
Is there a possibility of getting Yutani without coins?
Answer: Yes
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 192[]
What character in Subway Surfers have been dressed as reindeer before? (Not those characters only)
Answer: The Inspector's Dog
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 193[]
Find the difference in the price of a mystery box and a hoverboard.
Winner: I <3 Rosa
Question 194[]
What is the difference between the prices of the 2 most expensive outfits?
Winner: Divine Fox
Question 195[]
Which power-ups let you reach the sky without you making your character jump?
Answer: Jetpack and Power Jumper
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 196[]
How many characters can you receive without the use of coins?
Answer: 5
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 197[]
Name a confirmed similarity between Roberto and Kim.
Answer: Their skin color
Winner: Prince Jimmy
Question 198[]
What is the sum of the jackpots in the mystery box and super mystery box plus their increased values during the Mega Jackpot event. (BONUS: Upgraded version of another question, find it to receive another point!)
Answer: 2,800,000 (BONUS: Question 57)
Winner: Prince Jimmy (BONUS: Divine Fox)
Question 199[]
With the new Los Angeles edition, has the maximum possible amount of the multiplier increased? If yes, what is the new multiplier max?
Answer: No
Winner: Divine Fox
Question 200[]
What is the difference between the highest possible amount of coins required to get Yutani and the lowest? (Winner gets 5 points!)
Answer: Nlby001
Winner: Unknown (Or Infinite, since the lowest possible amount could be 0 as you can get them from running, and there is no telling on how many mystery boxes you should buy to get the tokens, you might never get a single one no matter how many times you buy it.)
Hall Of Fame[]
1. Prince Jimmy: 82
2. Nlby001: 70 (2/3)
3. I <3 Rosa (Or Go Kim!): 49 (4 given by Bighoverboard)
4. Divine Fox: 29
5. Nolimit3: 13 (1/3)
6. Marc.FR: 12
7. Aussie Winter Girl: 8
8. Mavuy: 3
=9. PokeFan10025: 1
=9. CAB 103Gumball: 1