He is the fifth United Kingdom surfer, the first being Jamie from , second being Callum from , third being Bonnie from , the fourth being George from , the sixth being Frutti from , the seventh being Lawrence from , the eighth being Vivienne from .
He is the 3rd medieval surfer after Jaro and Trym.
Soul is the third character without a face, the first being Tankbot (not counting the fish), the second being Dummy, and the fourth being Teabot.
When he released there was a popular glitch where if you pressed play right when he glows after his spirit possesses the armor in his idle animation he would also be glowing during gameplay.
He is the 1st European surfer released in 2023, the 2nd being Tutti, the 3rd being Frutti, the 4th being Catrine, the 5th being Lawrence and the 6th being Vivienne.
He is the first surfer who is a spirit possessing an object.
His name makes sense since they are a spirit.
Soul's spirit is male considering that in the trailer they speak in a male voice which was confirmed.
His name was found in the game files.
Soul is the third character in whose animation he surfs on a board that is unplayable during runs, the first is Zayn the second is Koral with her remodel and outfit and the fourth is Catrine.
He is the first 2023 character to come to the Chinese Version of the game.