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Subway Surfers Wiki
Not to be confused with Jingle Dingle.


Jingles in its original form.

Jingles equipped with Snow Trail.

Jingles equipped with Super Jump.

Jingles fully upgraded.

Cost Londonwh 60 / Northpolewh 25
Ability Snow Trail and Super Jump
Edition London Logo/North Pole Logo/Winter Holiday Logo
Limited? Yes
Release Date December 19th, 2013
SnowTrail watch

SuperJump watch
Snow Trail
Key 30

Super Jump
Key 55

Jingles is the fifteenth limited Hoverboard in Subway Surfers, released in London Logo. Like any other hoverboard, it protects your character from any obstacles for 30 seconds. When crashed, it will explode and need a few seconds to recharge before it can be used again.

It could only be unlocked by collecting Londonwh 60 in Week 5 & 6 at the London Weekly Hunt, Northpolewh 25 in Week 2 & 3 at the North Pole Weekly Hunt, 40 Snowflakes in Week 1 & 2 at the IconSaintPetersburg Weekly Hunt, and during its reappearance during the London Logo and Winter Holiday Logo editions. It was actually a secret holiday gift for anyone who managed to collect all 60 Trees in two weeks.


It has the appearance and shape of a sleigh with a bell tied up with two leaves. Equipping the Snow Trail upgrade adds two jets to the back. The Super Jump upgrade adds four gold squares to the sides and also adds Christmas lights all around the board.


  • During the Weekly Hunt at the London Logo edition, it was written differently according to the date.
  • Before it was time for receiving it, it was written as a "Secret Holiday Gift" with a picture of a present.
  • During the time to receive it, it was written as a "Limited Hoverboard". It was later rewritten as Winter Holiday Logo board, even though it was released in London Logo.
  • It is the 2nd board released in a London Logo edition, the 1st being Snowflake, the 3rd being Rudy, the 4th being Sharpeed, and the 5th being Fauxpunx.
  • It will then be the same even after receiving it or failing to get it before the deadline.
  • The Jingles board technically isn't a board, as it's appearance is a sleigh.
  • It has a similar appearance to the Sleigh board.
  • Unlike other limited board, Jingles is a token board.
  • Jingles is the first board to get a special power, the second being Phantom, the third being Groovy, and the fourth being Old Dusty.
  • It returned for Wild Wednesdays such as London Logo, and Winter Holiday Logo.
  • It returned in North Pole Logo as a hunt prize. The North Pole Logo update gave it two upgrades called Snow Trail and Super Jump. However, unlike London Logo, which required 60 tokens, it only required 25. Players who already unlocked this board received Key 10 instead.
  • It returned in IconSaintPetersburg as a hunt prize. Players who already unlocked this board received Key 10 instead.
  • In Subwaycityxmaslogo, it returned in a new bundle offer with Jamie.
  • In NorthPole2021Logo, it returned in the Season Hunt for NorthPole 2023 Token 80.
  • In WinterWonderlandLogo, it returned for free as a Christmas gift.
  • Jamie, Buddy, and Malik share this board.
  • Jingles is the 2nd Christmas-themed board, 1st being Snowflake, the 3rd being Rudy, the 4th being Choo Choo, the 5th being Glacier, the 6th being Sleigh, the 7th being Ginger Boom, the 8th being Ho Ho Hoverboard, the 9th being Snow Cloud, the 10th being Wrapper, the 11th being Wind-Up Rocket, the 12th being Snow Down, the 13th being Jingle Dingle, the 14th being Shiny Surprise, the 15th being Gadget Force, and the 16th being Ice Cool.
  • It is the last board of 2013.
  • It's name is similar to Bob The Blob's Jingle outfit.



Subway Surfers
EditionsCharactersOutfitsItemsHoverboardsPower-UpsExtra ChallengesMarathon Challenge
HoverboardIcon1 FreestylerIcon1 BouncerIcon1 LowRiderIcon1 StarboardIcon1 SuperheroIcon1 BigKahuanaIcon1 SunsetIcon1 MonsterIcon1 SkullFireIcon1 DaredevilIcon1 LumberjackIcon1 ScootIcon1 GreatWhiteIcon1 HotRodIcon1 WindgliderIcon1 TeleporterIcon1 WildStyleIcon1 Surf&SprayIcon1 CrewIcon1 CrewCrushIcon1 BlueIceIcon1
LibertyIcon1 ToucanIcon1 Kick-OffIcon1 ChickyIcon1 OutbackIcon1 KittyIcon1 CherryIcon1 FlamingoIcon1 RoseIcon1 PandaIcon1 DragonIcon1 TeddyIcon1 PumpkinIcon1 SnowflakeIcon1 JinglesIcon1
BengalIcon1 BubblegumIcon1 PricklyIcon1 MooseIcon1 BananaIcon1 CruiserIcon1 CrocIcon1 TurtleIcon1 RudyIcon1
RollerIcon1 TikiIcon1 OldDustyIcon1 GondolaIcon1 BirdieIcon1 WaveRiderIcon1 ThunderboltIcon1 WoodyIcon1 PhantomIcon1 ChooChooIcon1
GroovyIcon1 JousterIcon1 ChameleonIcon1 RayIcon1 TumiIcon1 LionIcon1 OrniIcon1 MedalIcon1 BigBlueIcon1 ChromeIcon1 HexedIcon1 EagleIcon1 GlacierIcon1
PedalIcon1 JewelledIcon1 SpeederIcon1 UkuleleIcon1 HammerIcon1 8th BirthdayIcon1 CobraIcon1 RickshawIcon1 MosaicIcon1 CasketIcon1 SleighIcon1
ScarabIcon1 HotdogIcon1 SweetheartIcon1 SplashIcon1 RenegadeIcon1 ColorCloudIcon1 BassBlasterIcon YellowCabIcon1 RockstarIcon1 WayfarerIcon1 MagicCarpetIcon1
RocketIcon1 ScratchyIcon1 FireDragonIcon PixelHeartIcon1 ClockworkIcon1 DesertRacerIcon1 DiabloIcon 4JulyIcon NagaIcon1 StallionIcon LeafIcon RetroWaveIcon StarcruiserIcon SpaceshipIcon
JazzIcon AeroIcon ScrollIcon RotoIcon PunkIcon1 BettyIcon1 CoralIcon1 PrescottIcon1 JacksonIcon1 BradyIcon1 BeckhamJrIcon1 MahomesIcon1 BarkleyIcon1 GoatIcon1 BeelzebookIcon1
Secret SocietyIcon1 DiscoveryIcon1 EndeavourIcon1 CraneIcon1 Buddy BearIcon1 UprockIcon1 BunnyIcon1 ShuttleIcon1 VikingIcon1 9th BirthdayIcon1 BambooIcon1 Dragon BoatIcon1 Paint PaletteIcon1 ParasolIcon1 SakuraIcon1 BeachIcon1 QueenOfHeartsIcon1 CamelIcon1 ToritoIcon1 MapleLeafIcon1 BeachPopIcon1 GingerBoomIcon1
AtomicTileIcon1 LunarTigerIcon1 Astronave Spring RollsRabbitIcon1 Crash Test Super Surfer 10th Birthday TricksterIcon1 BoombasticIcon1 Mag-Neat-OIcon1 SsskaterIcon1 MopedIcon1 AeroFishIcon1 SmokingSlimeIcon1 NightLuteIcon1 ZuperZapperIcon1 HoHoHoverboardIcon1 SnowCloudIcon1 WrappedIcon1
CarpDiemIcon1 GhastlyGliderIcon1 FanTasticIcon1 ViperfishIcon1 IscreamIcon1 TaggerIcon1 DangerDasherIcon1 11thBirthdayIcon1 ColourShiftIcon1 BigbossIcon1 FutureWaveIcon1 JamantaIcon1 KiteIcon1 SweetChiliIcon1 RaveRiderIcon1 Flying HorseIcon1 FlamingDollIcon1 BackToTheFutureIcon1 KDillacIcon1 RetroOrangeIcon1 NeoSeoulIcon1 SuperstarBoardIcon1 SharpeedIcon1 FauxpunxIcon1 FlashJetIcon1 WindUpRocketIcon1 SnowDownIcon1
SkyRocketIcon1 ElectroShockIcon1 BadaBombIcon1 ConfettiCrushIcon1 RoaringHeartIcon1 RedVelvetIcon1 LunarScrollIcon1 InterstellarIcon1 AstroTuneIcon1 ShamrockShebangIcon1 MeggaBiteIcon1 FastandFestiveIcon1 RadiantRiderIcon1 JakIcon1 TeaTimerIcon1 DeliVroomIcon1 JellyBoardIcon1 YellowSubIcon1 KoinoboriIcon1 MayoManiaIcon1 12thBirthdayIcon1 PixelHoverboardIcon1 AlarmOnIcon1 StreetGraceIcon1 Rockn'RileyIcon1 SunnySailorIcon1 LaserFlipIcon1 StandingOvationIcon1 RiskyRideIcon1 Glarx3000Icon1 SportySummerIcon1 HeavyMetalIcon1 ArrowIcon1 ChampIcon1 RaggedyRunnerIcon1 TurboStumpIcon1 BrassWhizzIcon1 ChopChopIcon1 CookExpresIcon1 MoonCakeIcon1 VeggieVelocityIcon1 CouchSurferIcon1 CatalystIcon1 FlashofFlavorIcon1 FearTractorIcon1 SciFlyIcon1 SkeletunaIcon1 PitchDarkIcon1 FoxTrailIcon1 FallSpeedIcon1 PathfinderIcon1 CozyCruiserIcon1 IcicleIcon1 SuitcaseSagaIcon1 JingleDingleIcon1 ShinySurpriseIcon1 GadgetForceIcon1 IceCoolIcon1
HyperViperIcon1 LanternIcon1 OverrideIcon1