Grand Juke is a character released in . He is the 215th character in the game and 40th surfer of 2024 .
Appearance [ ]
Default Outfit [ ]
Grand Juke is a 15 years old Austrian teenage boy from . He wears a brown, green and yellow nutcracker hat with a red flower, he has black hair with a star-shaped piercing in his left ear, wears a red, yellow and light red nutcracker costume, green pants with stripes yellow and red shoes.
Trivia [ ]
He and Snowy are the 39th and 40th surfers released in 2024 after Thunder , Skye , Azura , Dragon , Stella , Astra , Lucky , Meggan , Red Panda , Hamza , Faiza , Teabot , Finn , Electra , Hammy-Bee , Ballerina Tricky , Pixel Jake , Guard King , Riley , Lily , Glorgalax , Ventura , Rudy Rascal , Hélène , Leo , Pins , Ozzy , Audrey , Billy Bean , Kedi , Ruhi , Dr. Flyman , Pumpkin Pete , Ginger , Logan , Leif , Sindri , and Demi Lovato .
They are also the 12th and 13th European surfers of 2024 after Azura , Dragon , Lucky , Meggan , Red Panda , Hélène , Leo , Kedi , Ruhi , Leif , and Sindri .
He is the second surfer, the first being Snowy .
He and Snowy are the 19th and 20th male surfers released in 2024 after Thunder , Dragon , Lucky , Hamza , Finn , Pixel Jake , Guard King , Glorgalax , Rudy Rascal , Leo , Ozzy , Billy Bean , Ruhi , Dr. Flyman , Pumpkin Pete , Logan , Leif , and Sindri .
He and Snowy are the 28th and 29th male European surfers in the game after Roberto , Marco , Diego , Hugo , Jamie , Buddy , Nicolai , Nikos , Philip , Bjarki , Zayn , Trym , Jaro , Alexandre , George , Super Runner Jake , Super Runner Fresh , Soul , Tutti , Lawrence , Dragon , Lucky , Leo , Ruhi , Leif , and Sindri .
He is the sixth surfer whose name starts with G after Gingerbot , George , Guard King , Glorgalax , and Ginger .
Gadget Force is his board .
He is the 19th Christmas surfer after Elf Tricky , Jamie , Buddy , Malik , Nicolai , Festive Fresh , Festive Jake , Festive Tricky , Festive Spike , Festive Frank , Festive Yutani , Clementine , Gingerbot , Elf Jake , Elf Fresh , Elf Yutani , Clockwork Johnny , and Snowy .
He and Snowy are the last characters of 2024 .
He and Snowy are third and fourth surfers who is 15 years old after Riley and Hélène .
His zodiac sign is Leo ♌.
His birthday may be between July 23 and August 21 (the exact date is unknown).
Gallery [ ]
Navigation [ ]